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Domain registration

Domain (the domain name) - is a unique character representation of IP-address of the website. Domain (domain name) can consist of letters, digits, and hyphens. Domains have a hierarchical structure. The basis of top-level domains (also called domain zones) –is a part of the address after the last dot (. Com,. Net,. Ru, etc.) provided by an international organization ICANN (Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers) for specific countries and international communities. Second-level domains are the last point of the preceding part of the address (eg They are given in each State to the holders of sites of specially dedicated organization.

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Domain: www.

Domain registration

Being the partner of the world's leading domain name registrars, we are pleased to offer our customers the best prices on registration and renewal of domains. You can choose a domain for your website and register quickly and easily, using the services of domain registration ProHost.

Rules for registration of domain names:

  • the minimum length of the name is 2 letters;
  • in the name can be used only numbers and letters of the Latin alphabet;
  • as the separator a hyphen can be used but not at the beginning or at the end of the name.

All domain names are registered directly to the customer, that is the real owner of the domain will be the customer, but not the company ProHost.

Regulations for Registration of a .KG Domain Name

Regulations for Registration of a International Domain Names

Domain Registration Price

Domain Zone .KG 41$ annual price 41$ annual price
Domain Zone .RU
6$ annual price 6$ annual price
Domain Zone .ASIA 19$ annual price 19$ annual price
Domain Zone .COM 13$ annual price 13$ annual price
Domain Zone .NET 13$ annual price 13$ annual price
Domain Zone .ORG 13$ annual price 13$ annual price
Domain Zone .COM.KG, .NET.KG, .ORG.KG
4$ annual price 4$ annual price
Domain Zone .SU.KG, .CC.KG
0$ annual price 0$ annual price
Domain names (KZ, UZ, TJ, TM and other)
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The cost of domain registration .KG is pointed in the case of hosting payment at any of the tariffs at least for 3 months.
DNS support price - 15$ per year.
* With acquisition of hosting on any of the tariffs, the domain in the zone .CC.KG ("Commercial Company") or .SU.KG ("Soviet Union" - "Belonging to the CIS Site") is provided free of charge.
* When paying for hosting on any of the tariffs at least for 3 months in the areas of domain,, the first year of service is free of charge.
* Prices are inclusive of all taxes.


Contact us

+996 (555) 22-22-11
+996 (312) 29-88-72 prohostkg telegram